
The Story of Smart Vehicle Architecture™

giu 15, 2024, 00:08
Aptiv’s Smart Vehicle Architecture™ is an optimized set of technologies that provide all of the ingredients for the software-defined vehicle: the hardware architecture, the software architecture, and the ability to use cloud-based tools to develop, deploy and operate vehicles throughout their lifecycle. But where did SVA come from? What makes it innovative? And what makes it so compelling?
Aptiv’s Smart Vehicle Architecture™ is an optimized set of technologies that provide all of the ingredients for the software-defined vehicle: the hardware architecture, the software architecture, and the ability to use cloud-based tools to develop, deploy and operate vehicles throughout their lifecycle. But where did SVA come from? What makes it innovative? And what makes it so compelling?
Aptiv’s Smart Vehicle Architecture™ is an optimized set of technologies that provide all of the ingredients for the software-defined vehicle: the hardware architecture, the software architecture, and the ability to use cloud-based tools to develop, deploy and operate vehicles throughout their lifecycle. But where did SVA come from? What makes it innovative? And what makes it so compelling?
Title : The Story of Smart Vehicle Architecture™
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Vimeo Publish Date : giu 14, 2024, 08:00
Insight published date : giu 14, 2024, 08:00
Aptiv’s Smart Vehicle Architecture™ is an optimized set of technologies that provide all of the ingredients for the software-defined vehicle: the hardware architecture, the software architecture, and the ability to use cloud-based tools to develop, deploy and operate vehicles throughout their lifecycle. But where did SVA come from? What makes it innovative? And what makes it so compelling?
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